


  1. To create a language-rich environment for students to use English in purposeful communication both inside and outside the classroom.

  2. To provide students with authentic and natural contexts to acquire, develop and apply knowledge.

  3. To develop students’ confidence and competence in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing through various language learning experiences. 

  4. To equip students to be motivated, independent and self-directed learners through lifelong learning abilities.





  • Reading is an essential key skill to learn. It enables life-long learning and improves the English standard of the students. Therefore, students are encouraged to read extensively. During Christmas, Lunar New Year, Easter and summer holidays, students are required to read English books, including English literature, and complete book reports. Students can refer to the recommended booklist and the titles are available to be borrowed from our school library.


  • Our writing curriculum aims to expose students to a wide range of text types in different levels. Students are also encouraged to write creatively and participate in both inter-class and inter-school writing competitions. By the end of the year, students’ good work will be published.



  • Students are encouraged to speak with real purpose in various settings, such as morning assemblies and Reading Theatre. To arouse students’ interest and develop their proficiency, we also provide various English activities and clubs like English Fun Day, Drama Club and English Debate Team. 



  • We provide students with an authentic and integrative use of English, such as English morning assemblies and writers’ sharing in English. Students are also exposed to various natural and realistic setting, including TV programmes and online videos in English. 


School-based Curriculum:

Reading to Learn:

Reading across the Curriculum

  • Reading across the curriculum (RaC) can assist students in connecting their learning experiences and broaden their knowledge base. Therefore, our school has implemented RaC with General Studies in J.3 and J.5 in the academic year 2019-2020 and will be extended to J.4 and J.6 in 2020-2021. Both electronic and printed reading materials which are in alignment with selected topics in General Studies in each level are provided to our students. 


Readers Appreciation

  • Reading is essential in learning English. In order to help our students develop a strong foundation of reading strategies, as well as grammar, listening and speaking skills, 3 graded core readers which comprise of both non-fiction and fiction are selected for our students in each level. Various kinds of learning activities including storytelling, role play, group discussion, etc are tailor-made for our students. 


Home Reading

  • Apart from adopting the core readers in our syllabus, a list of supplementary readers which contain both fiction and non-fiction are provided to our students. Parents are encouraged to read with children so as to arouse their reading interest.


School-based Phonics Programme

  • Phonics plays an important role in helping students develop reading fluency. Therefore, a school-based phonics programme has been developed. In this programme, decoding skills students are taught to students so as to aid with their phonemic awareness.




English Debate Team

English Ambassadors

Reading Ambassadors